COVID-19 Update
To all our valued customers, suppliers and visitors,
Like all businesses we’re trying to navigate the situation as it changes daily but we would like you to know that we are open and processing orders as usual for you. We’re doing everything we can to keep our team and community safe. In keeping with that sentiment we have introduced some new measures as set out below for deliveries and order pickups effective from 01/04/2020.
Coronavirus Notice - Customer Pick Up & Delivery
At Sleepcraft , the health and wellbeing of our suppliers, customers and team members is our highest priority. We have introduced new measures within our office, factory and warehouse based on the advice from Australian Government about minimising the spread of COVID-19 – Social distancing. We continue to monitor the developing situation around the spread of coronavirus COVID-19, and in addition to measures already implemented, we will now be taking further action to help protect customers and staff.
Customer Visitor Entry
When entering the Sleepcraft Factory and Office, we are asking visitors and customers if they are showing symptoms or have travelled overseas within 14 days to not visit our factory and office, and for all other visitors/customers to keep a distance of at least 1.5 metres from people, and continue to practice good hygiene. This includes washing hands often with soap and water, using a tissue and covering the mouth when coughing or sneezing and avoiding close contact with others, such as touching.
For Local Domestic Delivery
When arriving at the customer premises Sleepcraft drivers will ask the customer if they are showing any Covid-19 symptoms. If so, the customer needs to be isolated, and the load will only be unloaded into safe area with no others around. If not, Sleepcraft Driver will again ask customer to keep a distance of at least 1.5 metres, and unload the goods. Signature for delivery will no longer be required and Sleepcraft driver will ask and record the customer’s name and sign on their behalf.
For Large Delivery & Pick Up
The truck driver shall stay inside their vehicle until they have been loaded/unloaded.
The drivers shall not come within 1.5 metre when loading and unloading and/or signing dockets/run sheets. Sleepcraft staff will maintain a safe distance of 1.5 metres at all time.
All receiving’s are subject to final check. Final check will take place after the driver/courier has left, to minimise the risk of contraction. If there is any discrepancy compared to packing list or purchase order Sleepcraft will contact the supplier immediately.
Drivers are not allowed to enter the Building in any circumstances unless through front Reception and accompanied by Sleepcraft personnel. They shall follow the pedestrian walkways and maintain a minimum safe distance of 1.5 metres and practice good hygiene within the Sleepcraft site.
Thank you to all of our community for your understanding and support and please contact our Customer Service Team if you have any questions.